Saturday, April 25, 2009

Marriage Favors the Prepared

This weekend Tom and I are attending a required marriage prep course thingie. Woo Catholicism! So, when I signed us up, they emailed directions to the retreat center, and a list of "Questions for the Engaged Couple." The instructions were to answer the questions and share the answers with one another prior to attending the retreat. So, I forwarded the questions on to Tom. The following is what I got back from him.

Q. What do I hope to gain from the marriage Preparation Weekend and how do I feel about making it?
A. Making what? This is a poorly written question.

Q. How do I feel about moving from my individual personal life to a committed relationship in marriage?
A. Better than I feel about moving all my individual stuff into a shared apartment, I'll tell you that.

Q. What do I mean when I say "I love you"?
A. Who am I addressing? The meaning of the phrase differs dramatically if I'm yelling it at the TV after Lowell homers in a tie game in the bottom of the ninth.

Q. How do I feel about my relationship with God?
A. I feel with my hands.

Q. What particular special (concern, issue, dream) do I want to share with you?
Concern: Whoever wrote these questions wasn't taught proper proofreading skilz.
Issue: My mint condition 100th issue of The Amazing Spider-Man with hologram cover.
Dream: The one where I'm flying and then Peter Pan is there.

I have a bad feeling about this weekend.


Timmy said...

I have a great feeling about this weekend. Sounds like it's gonna be HILARIOUS


*from now on when I comment on your blog, I'm going to write in the comment whatever word the computer makes me type to verify that I'm a human.

before marriage said...

I like this information about this, is very interesting, thanks for sharing is very interesting!