Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I Suck at Dy(e)ing

In honor of Easter and nostalgia for my childhood, I've decided to dye eggs this year. So, I went to the grocery store and purchased 2 dozen thinking that maybe Tom's younger siblings would want to come over and help. I bought the eggs I usually buy- vegetarian, cage-free. Because I have a conscience, but primarily because I don't want to die of mad-chicken disease (oh, it's coming people.)

Anybody else see the problem with this?Go ahead, think about it. I'll wait.

Need a hint?
They're brown. I bought 2 dozen BROWN eggs to dye. I'm officially a moron.


Donny said...

Don't you check you eggs for cracks before you buy them?

mance01 said...

Donny, I don't understand your comment.

Timmy said...


Donny said...

At the grocery store, when I take a package of eggs from the cooler, I always open them up to make sure that they are all intact. Sometimes the check-out person checks them too. I make sure that all of my produce is in good order before buying it.

mance01 said...

Oh...I had checked them. I just wasn't at all thinking about their intended purpose. So...brown eggs as usual. It's okay...there will soon be a follow-up post. The eggs have a happy ending :)

Donny said...

Did I miss the follow-up post? I've been losing sleep over your eggs.

mance01 said...

Donny, I am so sorry. I forgot to take a picture of the eggs before I deviled and devoured them. I owe you a post. :)