Monday, April 13, 2009

In Which My Car Was Probably Trying To Tell Me Something

Readers of my previous blog may recall the last time my car made funny noises. It sounded like metal grinding on metal- primarily because that's exactly what had happened. My rotors had exploded and my axle was pretty much just held in place by the will of God. As a solution, I of course drove the car 60 mph for 2 hrs until the wheels almost literally fell off.

So, when my car started making funny noises yesterday...I'm sure you can all guess where this is headed. The car has been making occasional strange noises for a while now, but I just chalked that up to my car being a total piece of crap. Leave well enough alone is my motto, and I had extended it to "Leave well enough alone and the sound of ducks dying is a standard feature in American-made cars." I lead a rich fantasy life. But yesterday the noise became less of an occasional squeak or quack and more of a rubbing that simultaneously tried to pull me off the road. I knew I would have to take it to a mechanic today, but thought I'd be able to make it to my meetings in Boston first. The truck only has 130K miles on it- it'll be fine, right?

Not so much. The view from my windshield quickly became the view from Timmy's windshield...and it really needs cleaning.I made it about 3 miles before the rubbing sound became more akin to the sound of all my car's parts being run through a dryer. It sounded terrible. So I decided to pull over. I applied the brake...applied more brake...sweet Jesus I am braking aren't I?! Before finally grinding to a halt. Needless to say I was a little terrified to drive any further and had to call my friendly roadside assistance provider.

Now my car is sitting outside a mechanic's near my house where they "might" get around to doing a diagnostic today. I have a bad feeling about how much this is going to cost...and how long it's going to take. As Timmy was driving me home I just stared at my pitiful vehicle and thought, "I am never buying American again."


Donny said...

I don't understand what these are pictures of.

mance01 said...

They're pics of my car being towed. They're crappy because I took them with my camera phone through Timmy's dirty windshield. I originally took them because the lights they put on my truck made it look like it had Mickey Mouse ears...but the shots came out so poorly you can't even see that.

One of my friends requested I increase the picture/text ratio on my blog, so I figured even crappy shots met the requirement. Sorry :-p

Timmy said...

ok. i did ask before you took the pictures if you wanted me to clean my windshield first. so don't give me, "oh it's a dirty windshield" i blame you camera phone, the lens is probably dusty.

also. that's what you get when you drive your car as hard as you can. patent pending.

Donny said...

Debleted, how do I get access to your blog?

James said...

Hey, You have great pictures.