Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sacrificing Daytime Television

This year for Lent I've decided to give up daytime television. It's not that I'm particularly attached to daytime TV...it's more that I'm here in the daytime and so is the television. I don't think this would be an issue if I didn't have cable...I hate soap operas and would certainly turn the television off before watching one....but I do have cable. Which means that I can watch "Monk" reruns...or stand-up comedy...or Food network. Which results in a lot of time staring at the television screen over the soft glow of the computer in my lap.

I've decided to not let myself turn on the television until Tom gets home around 6 PM every day. This is going to (hopefully) result in my reading more books, doing more work, and killing less brain cells. It's going to be good, right?! I think so.

An unfortunate side effect, however, is the time preceding Ash Wednesday. I have until February 25th to watch as much daytime television as I like. Which in itself isn't much, but I have some inexplicable need to turn it on now because my mind is saying "You're not going to be watching it for a whole 2 months! You should watch it now!" And thus here I am, blogging, while telling John O'Hurley and the Collay family that "TIME OFF" is something that a boss would say no to. Damn Family Feud.

It's okay...3 more weeks...brain cells regenerate, right?

Seasons of Denial

Yesterday it was almost 60 degrees here in Boston. It was a beautiful, sunny day. I had my coat on, but it wasn't buttoned...I was wearing a sweater and a thermal undershirt but I didn't have to put on a scarf. These are the things that pass for warmth up here in February. So, I thought we'd finally turned a corner. Then last night the weatherman said the word "accumulation". I promptly stuck my fingers in my ears and started singing the theme from "The Love Boat." Because it felt like Spring yesterday, and therefore it is Spring.

Today I'm getting ready to go to a meeting at work. I put on my corduroys, socks to my knees, a turtleneck and a sweater. And before I walk to the door I think, "I'll wear my light jacket today...because it is Spring. And I'll wear my dress boots...because the ice melted yesterday." And I left the house. I climbed in the car... and snowflakes began to fall.


Defiant, I started the vehicle and drove to work. I parked in the deck, and decided to walk to the Dunkin' Donuts across the street for coffee. I shielded my eyes so that the falling ice crystals wouldn't impale my corneas and still I denied. I walked into the office, did my work, packed up my things and got ready to brave the weather again. I thought, it's snowing but it's not that cold...it can still be Spring. I walked toward my car with my backpack, keys in hand, refusing to give in to my rage at the groundhog.

And then I slip. And I fall. Because that is what happens when you're wearing boots that have no tread and 3 inch heels in the snow. I effing hate winter.