Thursday, July 10, 2008

Commercial Success

Have you guys seen this commercial for Sylvania headlights? If you haven't, please take 30 seconds and indulge me.

I love this commercial. It's possibly the dumbest thing I've ever seen. To start:
"Now you see me"
"Now you don't."

Ummm...yes I do. You're right there. I can totally see you.

"Because the next time you see me, I might not be alone."
This makes me laugh every single time. Do you have that little regard for yourself?! It's going to be a big deal if I hit you with my car! Sure, it'll be worse if I hit a kid too, but hitting one person (even a lowly headlight salesman) is really going to screw up my day. Cripes.

So buy Sylvania headlights. Because if you don't, they'll keep making commercials.

And while we're on the subject of commercials, just a quick question:

Did they not budget for audio equipment? Is there no boom mic on that set? Oxi-Clean removes stains. We get it. No need to yell buddy.

This post wouldn't have happened if the book I was reading was better. Does "New York Times Bestseller" imply that all the people who purchased the book actually read it? I seriously doubt that everyone was this interested in the entire history of Russia as told through various characters with no apparent connection and chapters that are 200 pages long apiece.

Well, it's either Russka or more of those Joan Rivers Geico commercials. Book it is.

1 comment:

Donny said...

In the headlight commercial they do not point out how oncoming traffic is blinded by the light. By the logic of "hitting children is worse than hitting adults", are we allowed, maybe encouraged, to hit the elderly with our cars. Because sometimes they don't move fast enough.