Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I'm in line at the grocery store in a non-express aisle. The woman in front of me is purchasing two bananas. Not two bunches of bananas. Two f-ing bananas. She ripped two bananas off their bunch and then stood in front of me in line.

And then she paid for them with a check.

This is the kind of day I'm having.

1 comment:

DC said...

That sounds like someone who lives at the very edge of the delivery area ordering two sets of wings (so as to hit the $10 delivery minimum), paying by Mastercard (PJ wings = priceless, apparently), and then (of course) "forgetting" to tip.

"Oh, I didn't think I had to do anything but sign...I thought the tip was included."

Whatever...I secretly hope that people like that choke to death on a chicken wing bone. I'm not bitter.