Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sacrificing Daytime Television

This year for Lent I've decided to give up daytime television. It's not that I'm particularly attached to daytime TV...it's more that I'm here in the daytime and so is the television. I don't think this would be an issue if I didn't have cable...I hate soap operas and would certainly turn the television off before watching one....but I do have cable. Which means that I can watch "Monk" reruns...or stand-up comedy...or Food network. Which results in a lot of time staring at the television screen over the soft glow of the computer in my lap.

I've decided to not let myself turn on the television until Tom gets home around 6 PM every day. This is going to (hopefully) result in my reading more books, doing more work, and killing less brain cells. It's going to be good, right?! I think so.

An unfortunate side effect, however, is the time preceding Ash Wednesday. I have until February 25th to watch as much daytime television as I like. Which in itself isn't much, but I have some inexplicable need to turn it on now because my mind is saying "You're not going to be watching it for a whole 2 months! You should watch it now!" And thus here I am, blogging, while telling John O'Hurley and the Collay family that "TIME OFF" is something that a boss would say no to. Damn Family Feud.

It's okay...3 more weeks...brain cells regenerate, right?


Donny said...

You should cancel your cable during Lent and save money too!

Jessica said...

Day time television is a joke. I don't get to watch it anyways, but when I do have time off, I usually either have it on in the background or have music playing just because I don't like to hear silence. Giving it up is a good idea to free up some of your time though. And I do agree with Donny, you should always try to take on something and give something up for lent, taking on saving money would be a fun thing to take on and make you better in the long run. PS in relation to your "seasons of denial" entry, we have been in ice for the last 3 days. Today's high was 24 with the windchill this morning when I left being -4. Right now I am not liking that you guys are warmer. Come Saturday though, we are back up to 60!

Rowdehchickpea said...

Does Hulu count?

Timmy said...
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Anonymous said...

I think it's a bad idea. Top Chef reruns? Did you forget about those?

And I don't think it will result in my book-reading, it will instead result in more COD4 and Wii.

So good luck.